Sunday, August 14, 2016

Home Sweet Home

Though we did get an early start today, we absolutely did NOT beat the heat.  The average temperature for the ride home was 105 degrees.  Riding in that kind of extreme heat is not at all fun, in case you were wondering.  Especially when you are nearing home and you just want to click your heels and get there.  But, much like every other part of the trip, it's all part of the experience!  I'm happy to be home, but can't believe 12 days sped by so fast. 

And I think the cats are glad I'm home too...they won't leave my side.


Now onto the laundry and putting things away.  Chloe was very curious to check out all the stuff...

For the record, I wore every single piece of clothing that I brought (many were worn 3 times), with the exception of a pair of shorts I shipped home on Wednesday afternoon (along with other souvenir stuff we bought along the way).  It's still shocking to me that you can fit 12 days worth of clothes, accessories (like cameras and chargers, etc.) and riding gear for 2 people into/onto one motorcycle.  But it can be done and the cool part is I felt like I had everything I wanted.

Sooooo, the trip was amazing!  An adventure of a lifetime, really.  Now that I'm back home, I'm looking forward to sharing details of all the cool stuff we did.  I hope you weren't expecting to be done with this in 12 days, because I have at least 8 draft posts in the works...get ready for more motorcycles than you could ever imagine in one place, The Badlands, Narnia and my personal favorite, Carhenge, to name a few.

In the meantime, I think I hear the laundry calling my name.

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