Monday, August 1, 2016


On Wednesday, August 3rd, Mike and I, and friends Derek and Cari, are hitting the road on a journey from Southern California to Sturgis, South Dakota on 2 motorcycles.  The four of us will cover 3,000+ miles through 9 states in 12 days! 

Not going to lie, this is totally outside my comfort zone.  I've ridden (as a passenger) many, many times.  Mostly day rides totaling 200 - 250 hundred miles max in a day.  THIS trip is a day ride on steroids. 

One of my biggest concerns? My butt's ability to withstand this kind of mileage.  However, a big comfy new seat and some assurance from my riding partners, has given me (and my butt) the confidence to go on this crazy amazing ride of a lifetime!   

The route:

Day 1: So Cal to Flagstaff, AZ
Day 2: Montrose, CO
Day 3: Cheyenne, WY
Day 4: Sturgis, SD
Day 5 - 8: Day rides in South Dakota and surrounding area
Day 9: Golden, CO
Day 10: Richfield, UT
Day 11: Vegas Baby!
Day 12: Back home

By the way, if you counted the states above, you probably noticed it doesn't add up to 9.  Our route also takes us through Nebraska and very briefly through New Mexico where we will stop at 4 Corners.
For those of you wondering why Sturgis?  We aren't headed to the Black Hills just to see Mount Rushmore or Badlands National Park (both of which I am super excited to see).  We are headed to SD to also take part in the 76th annual Sturgis motorcycle rally.  Google Sturgis and check out the photos (beware of excessive use of pasties).  Pretty sure the people watching will not disappoint!

The countdown is on...2 days until lift off!

Holy crap, this is getting real. 


  1. Butt massage, butt balm, memory foam cheek inserts for ur pants, accupressure butt roller. You have some options! Seriously though, that's a lot of mileage on a bike in the open space of weather. I send my best wishes for roadside rest stop butt rehab. I love you. Be safe, have fun, and I look forward to the posts ahead. xoxoxox

    1. Thanks mama! Trip is amazing. Being out in the open weather is a very cool way to see the country. A totally different experience than being in a car. Both have pros and cons of course! And my butt is doing better than I expected! Love you!
